MGA provides a wide range of consulting services. Our approach to each project is tailored to the specific needs of the client. The core group of consultants are supported by partner companies who offer additional services, ensuring the best results for each project.
Strategic Planning
Creating plans and strategies for parks, recreation and culture that are attainable and impactful.
Parks, culture and recreation services are integral to the fabric of any community. They contribute significantly to the health and wellbeing of citizen, attract businesses and tourists and enhance environmental stewardship. Having a strategic framework to guide decision making, investments and community engagement ensures that the communities realize the full benefits of parks, recreation and culture.
Organizational Reviews & Policy Development
Using data-driven intelligence to enhance organizational effectiveness and deliver cost savings.
An organizational review helps any size of company, department or municipality understand how work needs to be structured for maximum efficiency. MGA uses its experience in leading organizations of all sizes to find the right fit to enable high performance.
Good policy is at the foundation of every successful plan or strategy. MGA consultants are well-versed in a wide range of current trends in policy development in all aspects of parks and recreation operations and delivery.
Feasibility Studies
Using current data and trends to plan local and regional parks and recreation assets that will endure
The first steps in conceptualizing a new park or facility can be overwhelming.
MGA takes a practical approach to feasibility studies, using data to help set priorities. MGA helps clients understand the cost implications, from development to operations.
Innovative Public Engagement
Harnessing the creativity and varied perspective that reflect the diversity of each community
Every successful plan, strategy or study is backed by essential input from community members. MGA uses a variety of creative engagement techniques to help citizens feel part of the planning and decision making process, and increase community trust.
Sport and Tourism
Leveraging community assets with intentional and sustainable plans for tourism and sport.
More communities are recognizing the value of creating long-term plans for tourism, sport tourism and regional sport plans. MGA helps organizations create plans that align the interests of destination attractions, businesses and municipalities, with a focus on sustainable outcomes. For sport plans, we work to balance community need with sport tourism development.
Financial Analysis
Applying a deep understanding of municipal finance for innovative approaches to service delivery and informed decision making
Our consultants have a wealth of experience with municipal budgets and the budgeting process including forecasting, capital and operating budgets. We take a wholistic view that focuses on efficiency, transparency and sustainability.
MGA collaborates with like-minded companies who provide the necessary expertise to deliver high quality results for our clients.