MGA - McQueen Galloway Associates offers individualized and creative planning and management solutions, delivered by highly knowledgeable consultants. Clients of MGA always know that they are getting the benefit of the MGA experience and expertise regardless of the size of the project. Through our tailored strategies and dedicated support, we help our clients realize their goals to build healthy, vibrant and sustainable communities. 

MGA has completed more than 100 projects in communities across Ontario across a full spectrum of reports, studies and plans. Here are a few of the communities we’ve worked with. 


  • April McNamara
    Tracey and the Team at MGA listened and were able to gain a quick perspective on the landscape of Culture, Parks and Recreation in the Town of Parry Sound. The MGA Team found creative ways of engaging with the community and was able to extract the “nuts and bolts” needed, in order to produce the Town of Parry Sound Culture, Parks and Recreation Master Plan. The Town appreciated the willingness and flexibility MGA provided as the project progressed, to work with The Town of Parry Sound to meet the goals and objectives of our small municipality. Tracey, Terry and Jennifer took the time to understand the value of Parry Sound’s specific needs in Culture, Parks and Recreation and worked collaboratively with Council, staff and the resident to produce an actionable and achievable Master Plan. Wishing you and all your team my very best!
    April McNamara
    Manager of Parks & Recreation
  • Jayne K. Jagelewski
    “Working with the Municipality and key stakeholders, MGA guided the community to a comprehensive Parks and Recreation Strategic Plan that is acting as our guiding light for the next 10 years. An all-inclusive, comprehensible, achievable, and financially fiscal Parks and Recreation Strategic Plan that Council had no concerns in receiving. It was a pleasure to work with the MGA team, who didn’t leave a stone unturned in the development of a Parks and Recreation Strategic Plan. They ensured everyone had a voice and input throughout the engagement process, which contributed to a Plan that the entire Municipality can be proud of. I wouldn’t hesitate in recommending MGA for future plans.”
    Jayne K. Jagelewski
    Director of Community Services. The Township of Kincardine
  • Bill Jones, CAO
    South Bruce Peninsula retained the services of MGA to undertake a Recreational "Hub" Feasibility Study. This was a complex study that required expertise in several recreational sectors, including aquatics. MGA amassed a team that provided individual operational and capital costings of all proposed amenities, as well as detailed design options for a pool that best reflects our communities' demographics and future needs. MGA's comprehensive consultation process, which included scheduled project updates with municipal staff, public meetings, stakeholder consultations and a detailed public survey was an integral part of the study's overall success.
    Bill Jones, CAO
    Town of South Bruce Peninsula
  • Matt Sweetland, P.Eng.
    The Township of Malahide was very fortunate to work with MGA on a recent Parks and Recreation Master Plan. Being a small, rural municipality, the Township was grateful and appreciative of MGA's approach that parks & recreation studies are not a 'one-size-fits-all' or 'copy-and-paste' exercise. Further, MGA showcased their passion for this work while looking after all aspects of public consultation, and keeping in close communication with Township Staff and Council throughout the review process ensuring an appropriate and usable plan was created.
    Matt Sweetland, P.Eng.
    Director of Public Works, Township of Malahide
  • Douglas J. Vince
    I just wanted to take a moment and thank you for a job very well done. I am half way through your report and finding an abundance of info that supports our direction with the Upper Park in Inverhuron. I am frankly very impressed with the granular detail you and your team have provided along with your impressions of the data.
    Douglas J. Vince
  • Lions Head Pickleball Club
    Going through your report and finding an abundance of info that supports our direction.   I am frankly very impressed with the granular detail you and your team have provided along with your impressions of the data....   On behalf of the Lions Head Pickleball Club, we would like to thank you for listening to our concerns. 
    Lions Head Pickleball Club
  • The Township of Malahide
    The Township of Malahide was very fortunate to work with MGA on a recent Parks and Recreation Master Plan. Being a small, rural municipality, the Township was grateful and appreciative of MGA’s approach that parks & recreation studies are not a ‘one-size-fits-all’ or ‘copy-and-paste’ exercise. Further, MGA showcased their passion for this work while looking after all aspects of public consultation, and keeping in close communication with Township Staff and Council throughout the review process ensuring an appropriate and useable plan was created. 
    The Township of Malahide